Monday, January 31, 2011

The Irony of A Stress-Induced Rash

I feel as though I'm a fairly even-keeled gal.  I don't lose my cool all that often and have pretty good grip on my emotions spinning wildly out of control.  All that to say . . . I find it highly insulting to get rashes and eye twitches which are beyond my control and come to find out . . due to stress.  Honestly . . . how am I to get a handle on my "stress levels" when my neck itches and my eye is bugging out on itself.

To make matters more interesting . . . I went to the doctor today for my "girly exam".  Since I will be quitting my job soon, it means that I have to get different health insurance WHICH MEANS a high deductible.  My frugal-responsible-self won over my doctor-phobia-self.  SO . . . I nervously showed up and waited 20 minutes before someone told me my doctor wasn't even there.  *sigh*.

They wanted me to reschedule.  I know my faults - - at least a healthy portion of them -- and therefore knew that if I walked out of the building without an exam, I would wait at least 5 years before venturing in to a doctor's office again.  They ended up finding someone who had a "window of time" available and could help me.  I decided to just assume that the woman performing my exam was an actual medical practitioner and not the janitor in scrubs.  BUT FOR MY SANITY'S SAKE - - I didn't ask.

When I asked the doctor/janitor about my rash all she did was acknowledge that  - - yes, indeed, I did have a rash.  I think she even laughed a little bit.  Ummm . . . NOT HELPFUL.  Does it appear to be alarming?  I don't get rashes - Why would I get one now?  No, I didn't use different detergent.  What's the worse case scenario this rash could mean?

AHHHHHHHHH . . . . .Calm down.  Breathe. Breathe.  Is it spreading?!  I'm not sure . Maybe if I stress out about it a little more, it will stop.

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