Monday, January 20, 2014


A quick catchup-up:

We celebrated Christmas.  Shocking, I know.

It is fun seeing O doting and caring for his younger cousins.

We had GLORIOUS snow and lovely temps.
And multiple dogs
Boyd and I celebrated 13 years of marriage on December 30th. 
Even when you are not having fun.

I jest. 
I miss dancing. 

This is a picture of my cat, Lucy.  She is in heat ALL THE TIME.  She makes strange noises, is in love with everything and in general has a death wish with our resident husky/wolf. 

And she gets into EVERYTHING.
I have been self-employed now since the beginning of January and it is splendid.  I have organized my basement, cleaned my house and then found myself decoupaging the light switches.  Which made me realize I should find some random odd jobs.

So I decided to tell the school I had more availability for subbing.

Subbing is . . . HARD.  And it gives me the sweats.

What color is Jupiter?
I don't get this math question.
Are you Mr. K's wife?
Are you Mrs. S's daughter?
What is Earth made up of?
He stole my pencil.
She broke my pencil.
He threw my pencil.
I don't have an eraser.
Can I go to the bathroom?
Can I go to the bathroom?
Can I go to the bathroom?
Can I get a drink of water?
Do you like us?

So.  That was my day.

I have also been painting for my Grandma.  I love to paint.  It is calming and I can listen to music.  Plus Grandma finds me delightful and that is awesome.  I was complaining about my knee issues to my Dad and he was telling me that lunges would possibly help me (I highly doubt it but whatever) and so I demonstrated that I knew the correct form and way of doing them.

And Grandma exclaims: "Isn't she neat?!"
Grandmas are the best.

We have been to WAY TOO MANY basketball games.  Boyd is coaching 7th grade girls; Brother 2 is playing C team and JV; and G is playing 3rd grade basketball with Dad coaching them.  I was worried that Boyd would not like coaching but he LOVES it.  He thinks the girls are fun and loves the sing-alongs on the bus rides.

How cute are those guys?!

Boyd and the 7th grade girls
Kona ran away while I had her in town with me.  She had been SOOO good and then all of the sudden her nose twitched and she was off.  I started running after her.  And yelling.  And waving my arms.  Brother2 happened to be with a couple of friends driving around town and he recognized Kona and then embarrassingly recognized me (poor kid).  I have never been so thankful to run into 15 year old boys.  Disaster averted.

Such a great weather weekend.  Brother1 came to visit along with Coop and Cate and so we had some merry sledding times.  A recap:

Caters loves Miss Ellie
When living in the Midwest you have to take advantage of a lull in the weather.

Boyd schooling Oli at Othello.
In other news:  How cute is this old picture I found of Lou?!  He was so TINY.  And yes, I found this picture because of said "organizing basement time".  Unfortunately I also found all my old yearbooks.

I hope January is treating you all well.