Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Little Insight Into Middle Sister

Here is an insight into the workings of a middle child. . . and when I say middle child, I mean the REAL MIDDLE CHILD.  None of this, "I am the 2nd born" but then you happen to be the first born male or female.  This does not count.

In a nutshell, the middle child is not easily defined.**Or at least I like to think it is a "middle child trait" and not just that I am crazy** I have found over the years that I tend to be one big contradiction.  I shall share a few examples that come to mind:

I love coffee shops but don't care for coffee. 

I freely mock myself but blush easily. (very annoying)

I can chatter endlessly but the next minute be tongue tied.

I'm a people-pleaser and yet find myself being the "confronter".

I hate organizing but have an administrative job.

I don't like to be the leader but end up undertaking rather large endeavors.

I'm patient but only when I don't really want to get somewhere on time.

I like long hair but hate brushing it. 

I love being alone but crave company.

I hate cooking but adore eating.

I love summer but can't wait for fall.

I'm thrifty but can justify almost any purchase.

I would say I am adventurous but hate learning new things.

I like kids but always hope they are not near my airline seat. ** Our last flight I got the 4 yr old kicking my chair.  First Boyd had him and I was snickering bc Boyd was being jolted everywhere AND THEN the parents moved him . . . directly behind me.  BLASTED KARMA!**

I was not a big "relationship/dating" girl in high school and yet got hitched shortly after graduating.

I like humble people but only when they are talking about me. ;)

* * * *  

Funny story  . . or maybe disturbing . . . you can decide . . . I certainly can't.  Maybe its funny to me now but in 10 minutes I find it disturbing.  Don't box me in people!

Boyd and I had to take a psych test a year or so ago to make sure we were mentally sound to adopt. (we passed by the way-adoption was paused for other reasons) When the results were in, the psychiatrist met with us again.  He started with Boyd and went on to say his scores were great with lots of optimism and yet responsibility, blah blah blah.  He then looked at me.  I was informed that my results had confused him so much that he CALLED THE COMPANY WHO MAKES THE TESTS to figure out how my score was a perfectly "normal".  Supposedly he had never seen such drastic highs and lows on a test and the outcome score of "normal".

Basically, he thought I was "something special". 

P.S.  I'm going to try and learn how to knit on Saturday.  This is my "adventurous" side showing through with my "I hate to learn new things" thrown in.  I'm already dealing with my inner turmoil.  Stay tuned.

P.P.S.  Boyd is my husband.  He's fantastic - most of the time.


  1. Even though few of these traits belong to me as specifically listed (for instance, I like coffee but not really coffee shops), the gist of them is completely familiar.

    Middle children unite.

  2. I did not know you were a middle child! Now we have to be friends. :)
