Saturday, January 22, 2011

Where the Buffalo Roam

Boyd and I have lived in the Twin Cities for 12 years. 12 years!!!  Its been a great time.  However, since the death of my brother-in-law, we have been discussing moving back to The Prairie to be in closer proximity to my sister and her 3 boys. 

Its such an odd, conflicted feeling I have about it all.  On the one hand, its hard for me to hear people being "excited" that we are moving back because the very reason we are moving back is forever seared in my brain and heart as frankly, quite awful.  I know the "excitement" is well-meaning but I feel very conflicted on the topic.  I'm weird like that. 

Don't get me wrong, there are things that I am excited about.  To name a few: (1) family (both of us have family in the area); (2) no state income tax; (3) the possibility of an acreage; (4) Boyd will no longer be self-employed (boooyaaah); and (5) the clear, starry nights.

*I will hold off on citing the things I'm not crazy about . . . ahem . . the wind for starters and lack of restaurants . . . and . . .okay, okay . . I'll stop. . . . :)

We still have a lot of hurdles to get thru for the move to be completed but we did get one of the biggest obstacles out of the way - -Boyd has a job lined up!  He will be working for Superior Homes as a Production Manager.  They operate on 4 day work weeks.  This makes me very happy.

We are working on the Stillwater house to get it ready for renters or buyers - such a pain in the a*s.   The entire Stillwater House Endeavor has been a big pain.  **Sidenote, does anyone else find it ironic that a bank will not put a mortgage on the house bc the master bathroom isn't done (and a few other small things?!  So the value of the house is zero until the master bath is done?! Not even a partial value . . zero.  In the meantime though, the property tax dept is more than happy to give our home a fairly hefty value allowing us the privilege of paying more taxes.** Boyd will be traveling back on his 3 day weekends to keep it moving forward.   If anyone knows of someone looking for a place - shoot me an email.  This is probably one of the biggest stressers with the move.

Initially, we will be living in a van down by the river once we get to The Prairie.  :) 

We will definitely miss Minnesota.  The beautiful landscape, the restaurants, friends, lack of obligations, my job, our church, small group, etc.  I wouldn't change our decision to move here.  We have had to rely on each other for everything and have been able to do so much more together as a couple.  I'm hoping the move doesn't leave us running in opposite directions all the time - - its a concern.

So . . with sadness, we leave the beautiful state of Minnesota but with great hope we take a step back into The Prairie.

1 comment:

  1. I know we didn't connect all that much here in MN, but it sure was nice having you guys nearby. We'll miss you, but maybe we'll see eachother back on The Prairie. The Prairie is a very special place. Best wishes.
