Friday, May 6, 2011


Time for a Nerd Section -  although, sadly, I haven't had as much time for reading lately.  However, the show shall go on - - I will review 3 books I have read since the last Nerd posting. (I did read another Mitch Rapp book - - but let's not kid ourselves - - they are all the same and all are good.)  Have I mentioned that I plan to have a "Recommended Reading" area in my new shop?!  Yes, tis true.  We will have a little library of books we like and then you, dear shoppers and readers, may check them out.  Who needs a library?! *This comment is not to be taken seriously.  I have a deep love for libraries.*

Okay.  Ready, set, go.

The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest;  Stieg Larsson:  This is the final book of the trilogy of Mr. Larsson.  Lisbeth Salandar has survived her father's attempt at killing her.  This book wraps up the other 2 books nicely.  Hmmm . . . I don't know what to say that won't give too much away . . . if you have gotten this far with reading the series - - you don't need a review.   Thumbs Up.

Into Thin Air;  Jon Krakauer:  This is the account of the 1996 Everest disaster.  I have never had any interest in climbing a mountain and still don't.  However, I found myself completely intriqued by the different health issues that arise with that high of altitude, the pros and cons of bottled oxygen, etc.  Krakauer had signed on for the expedition to write an article about the over-commercialism of Everest.  He discusses dealing with survivor's guilt, etc.  I had very little prior knowledge of this disaster and found it to be a fast read.  *Side note - - while reading this book, it came out that Krakauer is attacking Greg Mortenson (author of Three Cups of Tea) about being "shifty" with the non-profit Central Asia Institute.  This bothered me.  Granted, I haven't taken the time to look into it, but I highly respect Mortenson's view on the education of women in the Middle East  . . . . seriously, Krakauer, why don't you dig into how the government spends their money . . . that might be more enlightening.  I'm done. I'm off my soapbox.

The Room: Emma Donoghu:  Oh my word.  Completely, insanely, disturbingly hard to put down.  The story is told from the perspective of a 5 yr old who was born to a girl kidnapped at the age of 19 and kept in a room for the past 8 years. 

Review of a Fave:

The Long Walk:  Slavomir Rawicz:  Not to be confused with the book by Stephen King (helpful hint).  The man who wrote this book was interviewing people who had claimed to see "Big Foot".  When he heard the story of the man who escaped from a  Siberian prison camp and traveled through the Himalayans where he claims to have sighted the creatures - - - the author realized the bigger story was the escape and I would agree.  I LOVED this book.  Maybe I'm weird.   I recommend this book to everyone and I am pretty sure I have gifted it to at least 4 people already.

*Side note - - I just googled this book to get the correct spelling of the author -- AND JUST FOUND OUT a movie came out called "The Way Back" on this book.  Good grief.  I have BEEN SAYING IT SHOULD BE A MOVIE forever and then it is a movie and I didn't even know about it.  Sister1 mocked me for my ignorance.  Obviously, I am a great source for entertainment news.  I am now on my way to rent it. 

Books on My Kindle
Mr. Impossible; Loretta Chase (I know, I know, this one on my last month's "to read" list.  HOWEVER, I am currently at 27% on my Kindle - - and loving it - - all the cheesiness included)

Bossypants; Tina Fey: (May's book club selection)

Unbroken: Lauren Hillebrand (WWII story of survival)


  1. Have you considered doing a book club in H20 town? I'm a fellow nerd who would participate. I just finished reading 2 novels by Kristin Hannah. Loved them! They were Winter Garden and the other was Firefly Lane. Loved, loved, loved Firefly Lane. Winter Garden took a while to get into, but turned out to be great.

  2. YES! I heard Firefly Lane was fantastic . . . haven't read it yet. Let us commence a book club once you have gained "Watertownian Status". :)
