Saturday, March 5, 2011

Dogs, Angry Cat, Puke and Poop

Stillwater House has turned into Crazy House.  Sister2 and her fiance, Jordan, are staying here this weekend along with their dog, Bowser. (*Bowser used to belong to Sister1 but after Ryan died, he was hard to take care of along with the 3 boys, so she gave him to Jordan and the boys still get to see Bowser.  Win win.*)  Boyd's dad, Jim, also came along for the weekend to help with installing the new floor on the main level. 

Furniture is everwhere, dogs are running and jumping and leaping and Hobbs is angrily hissing . . . .

Bowser seems to be nervous in this environment.  I can't imagine why . . . . is he not used to living in such primitive conditions?  Wimp.  Regardless, he somehow manages to poop whenever you turn and look away.

Mr. Hobbs has been so nervous, he has been unable to eat and when I finally put him up high and gave him some food and locked him the laundry room so he could calm down . . he pukes.

Just breathe, Sabrina . . . breathe.  In, out, in, out.

This picure depicts me (and Mr. Hobbs) today.

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