Sunday, February 20, 2011


We ended up leaving for SD on Saturday night to escape the blizzard that was to arrive on Sunday.  Boyd decided to get sick right when he got to Minnesota on Friday so he was delightful company for the weekend.

Boyd slept the entire way on the drive to SD.  It was annoying.

We arrived at Sister1's house around 11pm.  She did not know until 2 hours before we arrived that we were coming on Saturday instead of Sunday.  Surprise!!! She was hosting a "farewell" party for a friend.  Does anyone else find it ironic that I'm arriving at the same time someone else is "fleeing"??  I certainly don't.   I had forgotten to brush my hair or put on makeup before we left for for the "big move".   It was awesome.  I always make great first impressions.  Boyd made himself right at home and cleaned up all of the leftovers.  Wait a minute . . . I thought he was sick and so tired that he couldn't form sentences together.

Oli really likes me.  Its sweet and a little intrusive.  I went to use the bathroom and he charges in after me . .. with Lou (our beagle) following behind.  I tell him to wait outside and I will just be a minute . . . all I hear is wailing: "BUT I LOVE YOU!" All right, alright . . . c'mon in, buddy.

He has also been "helping" me unpack.  I take this to mean that throwing items out of my suitcase and then hiding it and yelling for me to find him over and over and over and over and over again . . . . is being helpful.  For a 2 yr old . . . it probably is.

I think Oli and Lou are going to be pretty good friends.  I found the two of them licking plates in the dishwasher when the door was open.  Sister1 will be proud.

O got up this morning and had a fever.  And then he threw up.  Awesome.

Dang.  Oli just threw up.   And now he is informing me that he would like "a nice, warm bath".  


  1. I'm glad you made it back before the storm...and I hope you've invested in extra surgical masks - your immune systems isn't used to living with little (adorable) germ-carriers!
