Monday, February 7, 2011

Me, Hobbs, Superbowl and Poo

Since Boyd started his new job, I have been holding down the fort.  I now only see him on the weekends.  I feel as though I share joint custody of him with his parents.  Dislike. The joint custody thing - - not his parents. **Although, if this were a case for joint custody, he no doubt has it better with his parents.  Every time I ask him what he had for lunch it's always: "homemade this or homemade that".  They are undoing all my hard work for the past 10 years:  training Boyd to enjoy take-out food and preservatives.** 

Mr. Hobbs, the cat, has been keeping me company.  I like Mr. Hobbs but he doesn't help my nerves.  He's fat and has a tendency to sound like an intruder.  For the record, I have nothing against fat cats. 

Hobbs likes to molest my brown furry blanket.  I now have to keep the brown furry blanket just for Hobbs and I bring down a separate one for myself.  Its kind of embarrassing to have to explain to company why they shouldn't use the brown blanket . . . "its Mr. Hobbs - don't make me explain." *sigh*

Hobbs and I watched the Superbowl last night.  He was cheering for the Steelers and I was rooting for the Packers.  I won and taunted him ruthlessly.  He then went and pooped in my shower.  He has no sense of humor. Damn cat.

During the game I texted Sister1 (who is in Mexico soaking up the sun): "Me and Hobbs watching the Superbowl . . . this is a new low".  She didn't text me back.  I'm assuming she was either (a) too embarrassed for my lack of social life or (b) in the pool.  Its a toss-up.

I also tried to trim some of Mr. Hobbs' fur.  I nearly cut off part of his ear.  I DIDN'T but it was close.  He may have been upset about this too . . . not sure.  It was a busy night.

This post is riveting.  What will happen next?

I may just pay bills . . or clean the bathroom (don't worry, I already cleaned up the cat poop) . . .

Here's some pics of Mr. Hobbs:

Mr. Hobbs trying to be helpful by crushing all of my files.
Sister2 and Hobbs. He's technically her cat but we get the honor of feeding and cleaning up after him.

In other news:  In 2 weeks I am moving to a different state; will be set back about 12 years by living in spare bedrooms; saying goodbye to a job I have really enjoyed and saying hello to new employment.

P.S. I get to meet up with my friend, Shawna, for dinner at Potbellys.  Oh . . Dream Bar . . how I will miss you (and Shawna . . .I will miss her too.)

1 comment:

  1. Oh Sabrina I have not laughed that hard, out loud, (at a computer) in a long time- THANKS! I NEEDED THAT! The entire post was great but Hobbs and the taunting, and then the pooping in the shower was the best!
