Thursday, October 20, 2011


I hate thinking of titles for my posts -hence the "Misc".


The other day Boyd and I were discussing where we would like to live next - - assuming we stay in SoDak.  I had responses of:  a big yard, a barn for a cool sale, an old farm house, a lovely gravel road with a bend in the road, etc . . . you know . . . normal stuff. :)

Boyd replies with: "I want a place that I can walk outside naked."

Honestly.  There are days I wonder WHY or HOW we still like each other.


Boyd finally has the Bronco home.  Its in the garage sitting there basking in its glory.  The green is kind of a Christmas green and has a thin red stripe.  Sister1 and Sister2 came over yesterday and Boyd proudly opens the garage doors.  They ooh and ahhh and exclaimed with: "It's SO cute!" and "It looks festive for the holidays - you need to put a wreath on the front!".

Boyd quickly stopped them from saying anything more.  "There will be no wreaths!  What about the great tires?  Or the cool seats?!"  He was slightly disgusted and shut the garage door.


The October Occasional sale begins today at 4pm.  I am always slightly anxious. What if no one shows up?  What if people think its stupid?  The list goes on . . . .  I should be working on stuff but I am not.  My friend Kim has offered to help me this afternoon so I thought I would be nice and make sure to leave some tasks.  I can be extremely thoughtful. :)

It is definitely a humdinger of a sale.  Very cool items.  Another reason why I want an old farm house with a big front porch is that I have been unable to buy stuff because it won't fit in my small house.


I just received this text from Sister 1:  O just randomly proclaimed today from the back seat of car, "When I grow up, I want to be a dancer!"


Poor Mel and his cone are not doing well.  He is bumping into everything and appears depressed.  I let him ride in the Jeep today while I ran some errands this morning.  He jumped into the Jeep and hit the cone on the side of the vehicle and fell back out.  I laughed a little bit but quietly so he couldn't hear me.  He's old.  Which means his hearing is bad, his eyesight is bad and he now has "old man farts".    Poor dog.


Must get  back to work.  I am a very good procrastinator.

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