Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Guess Who Was in the Paper?!

I have been asked several times about the water situation and so I thought I should let everyone know via the internet: It is fixed!!!
Thank you all for your concern about our personal hygiene.
Gosh. That seems so long ago that I didn’t have water.

My new complaint (because it wouldn’t be MY blog without a complaint) is that I have a bird family living in my attic. My first thought when I heard the little chirps was: "Ahhh . .that is so sweet." But now it sounds like the Mama Bird quite possibly hatched 20 Baby Birds and they do not sound quite so sweet at 5:30 a.m. when apparently they are excited to have breakfast.


Boyd and I took a quick impromptu trip to Rapid City last weekend. It was nice to see the sunshine. And I also got to say hi to the one person I know who keeps up on my blog- Hi Bob! :)

Lake Norden is getting a farmer’s market starting in late July! Originally, I had just ran the idea by the city via email only to find out later that it was printed in the paper that I was organizing said event. So . . . I am now in charge of the farmer’s market. ;)

One must love small town newspapers. It brought back my horrified memory of when I had my first "boyfriend" and all of the sudden I was in the paper for "visiting his grandmother in Hazel"

Fortunately for the too-soon-approaching-farmers-market, I have tricked my friend Audrey into helping me. Whew! I can now forge ahead with confidence.

Do you bake, make or grow anything? Let me know if you want to participate.
No marijuana plants allowed. I know, I know. Rules Schmules.

We have our front porch moving along and our our boat lift in. But no dock. NOT THAT I’m complaining about that. After all - we have a boat! And its in the water! And it works!



  1. I wish I could join the FM, but the commute from TX to SD is a little long! We gave our neighbors homemade candy in jars at Christmas and several of them still mention it when I see them. I literally followed recipes. :-) but josh was just telling me I should capitalize on the success.

  2. I wish you could too! Hope all is well in Texas. :)
