Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Luxury Madness.

Our water has been out since last Thursday.

I would like to be able to say this is a "first world problem" but I think it might be more of a "third world problem".

We got back from Kauai Thursday evening (I know.  I know.  I shouldn't even bring that up) and I was EXHAUSTED (oh . . poor Sabrina . . so tired from the vacation traveling!) and was looking forward to brushing my teeth, taking a hot shower and heading straight to bed.

Turn on the faucet.  Nothing.  WTH?!


Long story short . . . our pump is broken.  So we have buckets of water to pour into the toilet so that we can still flush every so often (we are on the strict code of: "If its yellow, let it mellow.  If its brown flush it down".  I hate this rule.  
I have stopped drinking water in hopes of not having to pee.

Boyd at one point made the comment:  
"Since when is running water an aphrodisiac for you."


Recap of Vacation:

Kauai is fabulously gorgeous.  The food was wonderful (I may have eaten 20+ fish tacos while there) and Boyd was able to surf to his heart's content.  Boyd made me take videos of all his "awesomeness" but due to lame content no videos will be posted. 

Me:  "I know you FEEL like Tarzan swinging on a rope and jumping in a river but unfortunately the video camera does not see it this way."

He has no idea how he snagged me . . . rare gem that I am. :)

Randomly, Boyd's college buddy, Casey and his wife Sabina (CRAZY, right?!) were also vacationing on Kauai while we were there.  So we hung out and it was great.  Where else should old friends meet up for a mini-reunion but in Hawaii. 

A few pics:

Waimea Canyon.  Lovely

Backyard view from our B&B

Morning coffee

Boyd and Casey on our boat tour

Driveway to our first B&B


We went on a few hikes

Yeah! Celebrating 12+ years of marriage.

A lovely river with rope swing.  No snakes in Hawaii.  How great is that?!

Wailua Falls

Na Pali Coast
See what I mean.  Fantastic.

I'm not going to lie though.  The weather was rainy off and on and not as hot as I would have liked.  BUT I still managed to get sunburned and walk around without layers of clothing on so this is definitely a WIN.

Also, the first B&B was a little tough for me.  I hit the nail on the head with "adventurous" but my high maintenance side of me said . . . "I want my own bathroom".

I'm so weird.

The second B&B was great.  No complaints.


I sent in our tax paperwork.  Hooray!  Now we just hold our breath and cross our fingers.  I have a feeling that other people handle taxes much more responsibly than us but I have yet to find a system that works for me except PANIC when it hits March 1 and curse and sweat and curse again that I can't find "x document".


I ALMOST FORGOT!  Sister2 had her baby.  Finally!
While I was on vacation, of course.
And I nearly had a panic attack and called the hospital because the texts were very vague as to how baby and mother were doing. 
 Yes.  I have anxiety issues.

But all is well and I proudly introduce my new niece:  
Elliette "Ellie" Anne King.

Such a sweet baby.

We quickly introduced her to Target.  And yes, for those curious:
It is annoying to have really pretty sisters.

That is all.  Boyd just barged in and said "TRY THE SHOWER!"

Yes, I live in a house filled with LUXURY MADNESS.

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