Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I Don't Know Why I'm Surprised.

Boyd and I were in Minnesota this past weekend.  Boyd had one small plumbing issue to look at on the Stillwater house and then the rest of the time we got to HANG OUT!  It was fabulous.

On the ride back to SD we were in between Dawson and Watertown which means there is NO WHERE to stop along the way.  Normally this isn't a problem since its not that far.  We passed the sign that said "Marietta" (which is 5 miles off of our route) and I reminisced and said:  "Remember when you weren't paying attention and we had to drive to Marietta to get gas?  I was really mad at you".  He remembered and then changed the subject.  A few miles later, I say:  "How ARE we doing on gas anyway?"  Boyd looks at the gas gauge and says:  "&#RLKSHDF!"

Honestly.  I have never once ran out of gas.  Why?  BECAUSE I have a gas gauge that TELLS me when I'm running low.  Not to mention the HASSLE of hitching a ride, finding gas, etc.  Pain in the butt.  I have been with Boyd when he has run out of gas and I didn't like it at all.  How many times has Boyd run out of gas you ask?  I couldn't say for certain but it has to be over 10 times.

So, we turn around and head back towards Marietta since we only have 20 miles of gas left and Watertown is 35 miles away.  ARGH!  We pull into Marietta which has a population of a family gathering at Christmas.   Their gas station closes at 2pm on Sunday.  It is 2:20 on a Sunday.  AESRI$%HR!!  We find a woman walking and she informs us we can head to Madison which is 10 miles away (in the opposite direction).  We have 12 miles of gas left.  We pull into Madison on fumes.  I didn't talk the rest of the way home.

You have no idea how much I have heard the statement:  "Well, it SAYS I only have x miles left on this tank but I KNOW I have x."

I probably shouldn't be too hard on Boyd on not paying attention since this morning I went through the McDonald's drive thru and ordered my mocha, paid for it and then drove off.   I didn't realize until I was nearly to Target that I had forgotten to actually GET the mocha.  ARGH!!  How embarrassing!!  Its a big ego blow to know that all the employees at McDonalds are laughing at the stupid girl.  This might be the incident that finally gets me to give up mochas.  A few years ago, I gave them up because I got the flu right after having one. I couldn't look at a mocha for weeks.  BUT I persevered and slowly got them back in my life.  I'm an achiever.


Last week Boyd smelled gas in the house.  He wasn't sure if it was "dangerous" gas or just sewage.  He does some tinkering in the basement and then tells me to turn the heat on and step outside.  Okay.  I do it and then slowly start walking towards the door and get my shoes on.  Boyd said:  "Hustle up!"  I step outside and as he is looking at the house, I REALIZE he is seeing if the house is going to blow up.  WHAT IN THE WORLD?!  There must be a better way to check for that.  And why didn't I grab my purse? or my passports?!

The house did not blow up.  And I still love my husband.  Most of the time.


I have been busy getting ready for the Shoppe occasional sale which starts on Thursday.  I have warned Boyd that his time is not his own this week.  So far so good.  He did ask me to stop spray painting in the house though.  I'm not sure I can do that.

I have "craft nite" tonight at the Shoppe.  Sister1 has been gracious enough to teach a wool hat class and it has been going pretty well.   I'm not sure what I was thinking when I scheduled the 2nd class for the week of the sale.  Oh yes . . . I wasn't thinking.


I'm so very sleepy.  I could really use a mocha right now.

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