Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Straight Jacket.

Hello. It’s the last day of April. And there is a chance of snow this weekend. Say what?! *sigh*

To recap what I always talk about . . here are my updates:

We are still working on the house.
The End.

I subbed at the school for the first time ever this week. I was scared to death. But the children did not bite me and we all got along just fine. I made sure to wear sparkly pink shoes to win the 4th grade girls over and when the kids asked if they could read outside, I said (in so many words) "YES! Let’s get out of here!" From them on, we were fast friends.

Boyd has been subbing up a storm at the high school.
I ask how his day goes and its always "Great!"
It appears he is heading in the right direction for career choice so that is a relief.


My sale is NEARLY here. Which means I am now jittery, slightly irrational, a titch jumpy and I run around in circles with my hands in the air. It’s a fun time for all.

I have 2 weeks to get my butt in gear. 
2 weeks?!


Let’s see . .. Book Club was this week and as always . . . lovely. Such a great group of women. I pretty much just eat and laugh for 2 hours - perfect therapy.

Matilda Jane party is tomorrow night. Come on out if you want to shop comfy cute clothing or just to hang out - either way is cool - - Sister1 is hosting for me and Sister2 and mom are helping! Thank God for sisters (and moms!) :) Email me for directions.

Last weekend Sister1 and the boys were around. It felt so good to be out of hibernation. Whenever I get overwhelmed by the state of my house construction, I step outside and breathe in the fresh air. 
I think I like it here.

boys and trucks

Sister1 and  O on the railroad tracks heading down to check out the creek.

Brother2, G and O.  It is impossible to keep them out of the water.

Lunch Break with Oli

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