Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Spring Fever

Boyd has decided to enroll in a year long teaching course through Black Hills State. So starting May 2014, he will (hopefully) be eligible to teach middle or high school math.

Personally I hate math. A lot.  Apparently I married a dork.

We were having dinner over at my parents and Brother2 was in rare annoying form. I just looked at Boyd and said: "You do realize that this is what you will be teaching every day, right?"


In other news - Silver lining to Boyd’s unemployment: My house is getting done.


We may be eating Ramen Noodles but I almost have a living room.

Easter came and went. Brother1 and his family came up to visit.
Little Caters is quite smitten with Baby Ellie.


The snow is finally gone (Almost.). The other day we were taking a walk on the railroad tracks and I point out that it would be a great spot for flying a kite. Boyd looks pleased and says: "Yes it is! It would also work great for an ultra light landing strip!"

Yes. I guess it would.


I am starting a new book called "Seven". (Originally when it was recommended I thought it was about the serial killer movie Seven but I guess it is not.) I’m only on chapter 1 because it is a discussion book so I’m actually going SLOW. Its basically about declaring mutiny against excess. The first chapter is on food -  the author picks 7 foods that she can eat for one month. This seemed way too intense, organized, and brutal for me so I am "tweaking" this challenge by denying soda, coffee or dessert for the month of April.  This may not seem all that hardcore to you because its what normal people do . . but for me its rather revolutionary.

Boyd laughed when I told him. And then he pointed out that the grocery list on the fridge had 2 items listed: "coffee and icecream".  I countered that with "I can do it! Jesus went without food for 40 days so I think I can handle denying myself a few treats for 30 days".  He didn't look too convinced.

Currently, I am about ready to bash my head against the wall.  Its my only solution to fixing this headache.  I'm fairly certain said headache is from drinking too much water.

I just need a small sip of of a caffeinated beverage . . . . .

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