Thursday, September 29, 2011

I know. I know. 2 Posts in a Row!

Wow.  I am such an overachiever.  2 days in a row of posting!


I went to my very first City Council meeting this past week.  I am not entirely sure why I did but decided that if I'm going to live and own a business here . . . maybe I should put my 2 cents out there.  So I did.  It was kind of scary for me to throw out my opinions in public . . the whole "being an introvert" issue.  But I wore my lucky Beetles t-shirt and persevered.  Personally, I think I have some great ideas but I'm not sure they agreed.  It's possible I may be deported back over the border into Minnesota.


Little Oli got to be a homework assignment for a friend getting her education degree.  She was to ask 3 year olds some different questions to see where they were in terms of development, etc.  Oli is, OF COURSE, especially gifted but Sister1 was disappointed that he was having a hard time with part of the study. The girl would ask:  What do you do if you are tired?  What do you do if you are sad?  Oli was silent.  Afterwards, Sister1 asked him the same questions.  He answered thoughtfully:  "I go to Starbucks."  See?  Gifted.


The weather has been fantastic lately which means I spray paint like a maniac.  I ran out of stuff in my garage to paint which then led me into the house.  Boyd came home and our boring blonde/pine chairs are now a sassy red.  He said something like . . . "What the H . . .?"  But then quickly came around and agreed they are WAY BETTER now.


Our September sale was fantastic.  We had live music and a mini-crowd waiting to be let in!  We are such a big deal. *Bragging about myself is a new habit I am trying out.  Yes, I do it with sarcasm but it is a lot of fun.  Try it sometime.   For example: If your husband says, "I love you" You can reply with: "Of course you do . . I'm totally awesome."*  If he laughs, he is just agreeing with your statement.  Promise.

Our "crowd".   I use the term loosely.
One of the Kinney girls creations.  Donna snatched it up.
The October Sale should be a humdinger.  I will explain more in a few weeks.  Hang in there.


I have been going to some of Brother2's football games.  He is in 7th grade.  It's weird to have him getting so old and "adolescenty".

Brother2 is #22.  
I grew up as a Hamlin Charger.  I have a soft spot for the Chargers even though they are now less than stellar since the "golden years" of the Chargers' athletic reign.  My mom would always chant:  YOU CAN DO IT, YOU'RE A CHARGER! whenever we were complaining about being overworked.  I found this annoying and yet, I say it to Boyd to be mean:  "You can do it . . you're an . . . . Owl."  Ha Ha snicker snicker.  Henry just didn't quite get the glamour that Hamlin had.


We still do not have renters signed up for our White Bear Lake house.  Breathe.  Don't panic.  Breathe.  I may have just thrown up a little.  BUT.  The good news is that I have a plan to get money to pay the extra mortgage.  McDonald's Monopoly.

Problem solved.

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